Activate Prosperity & Vitality in Business

Work with Me

Whether you're seeking a quantum leap in your personal or professional life, or simply looking to accelerate your spiritual growth, I am here to partner with you on the journey towards self-discovery, radiant health, and freedom.


I specialise in a range of transformative modalities such as Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine, Energy Leadership Coaching™, Spiritual Response Therapy, Kundalini Therapy, Sound Healing, and more. 

These modalities are incredibly powerful and allow for quick progress and deep lasting change. 

If you find yourself too time-strapped to peruse through the list of therapies, don’t worry, you never need to know any of it!

You can explore multiple ways to embark on your journey towards wellness.

You can either book an online SRT Healing Session, join our weekly Kundalini Classes, Group Healing Sessions or a private Gong Bath. If you want a more transformational experience or want to work on something specific you can delve into our webinar below.

After watching the webinar if you are eager to explore how to apply these principles so you can upgrade your mindset, health, wealth, and relationships, please feel free to schedule a Free Breakthrough Call.

This session focuses on identifying challenges, outlining your goals, and crafting a strategy to bridge the gap. It's important to note: this is NOT a sales call. If it’s a fit, we can explore working together. Otherwise, we'll guide you towards alternatives that align better with your objectives. I look forward to connecting with you.

5 Essential Shifts to Transform Stress and Struggle into Happiness, Vitality, and Radiant Health

Then you can enjoy your success without burnout and learn to flourish during challenging times

Weekly Classes

Welcome to our online Kundalini Yoga classes with

Ram Inder Rai

 During these challenging times, it's more important than ever to take charge of your own health and empower yourself.

You'll become more radiant and resilient, then you can let go of negative emotions like anger, frustration, feeling powerless and not feeling good enough.

The classes are perfect for those looking to boost their immune system and achieve radiant health, vitality, confidence, abundance, inner peace, relaxation, and freedom.

“Investing in your health is one of the best things you can do for yourself, your loved ones, and the world.”

Book a Class

Please see class dates below. Use the "Book a Class" button to reserve your space. Your Zoom invite is in the membership site.

We look forwards to welcoming you.

(All classes are recorded and as a member you will have access to the replays and over 50 other classes.)

“Investing in your health is one of the best things you can do for yourself, your loved ones, and the world.”

Book a Class

SRT -  Spiritual Response Therapy  

 ➜ Transform your life through the powerful and effective system of SRT 

âžś Release blocks to health, wealth, success, happiness and spiritual growth

âžś Transform emotional and physical issues, and attain your highest potential with SRT

Why choose SRT?

  • Release negative thoughts and emotions like anger, hopelessness, abandonment, betrayal, conflict, toxic shame, panic, resentment, fear or rejection.
  • Break old habits, procrastination, people-pleasing, and addictions
  • Allergies and food intolerances 
  • Weight issues
  • Chronic pain
  • Illness and disease
  • Anxiety and fear 
  • Grief
  • Bad luck and clumsiness 
  • Lack consciousness and poverty vows blocking prosperity and abundance
  • Elevate or eliminate false beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes
  • Attain greater clarity, balance, joy, and harmony
  • Clear stuck energies and repeating cycles of limiting behaviours
  • Clear past life energies and programs 
  • Improve current relationships of all types (family, spouse, work, finances, friends, pets, etc.)
  • Clear negative/ discordant energies from your home
  • Depression and lethargy
  • Toxic relationships 
  • Self-doubt, confidence, low-self esteem 
  • Anger, lethargy, exhaustion, fear, scarcity patterns.
  • Release patterns of being a slave to your emotions, the past, and life events that you have no control over
  • Stress relief
  • Boost immune system, increase vitality levels
  • Increase your earning potential
  • Learning blocks
  • Improve your business or career
Book a SRT Session
Learn More

“Investing in your health is one of the best things you can do for yourself, your loved ones, and the world.”

Investing in your health is one of the best things you can do for yourself, your loved ones, and the world.

Healing Programs


Love is the Answer!

Awaken Your Hearts Wisdom and Embrace the Super Power of Love


This 40 day group program is designed to help you overcome limiting beliefs, embrace self-compassion, and thrive personally and professionally.

It's a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, guided by the infinite power of love. 

It will help you to:-  

Think and feel at a higher level, embracing emotional freedom and a life of fulfilment. 

Feel more comfortable in your own skin, and cultivate self-compassion. 

Unlock the path to genuine self-acceptance, leading to lasting transformation and inner peace. 

Create a strong foundation to open yourself to more prosperity and abundance, as you align with your true self and unleash the boundless potential within you.

Live your life from a place of love and empowerment!

Find out more

Chasing success, and being stuck in the old “work hard and struggle” patterns leave us frustrated, exhausted, and unfulfilled.

Elevate your path to success so its aligned to prosperity, vitality, and deep contentment.

“Chasing success, and being stuck in the old “work hard and struggle” patterns leave us frustrated, exhausted, and unfulfilled.”


  Elevate Your Whole Being and Your Life

Are you ready to take control of your life and achieve the happiness and success you deserve? 

If so, you've come to the right place. As a coach and wellbeing expert, I have dedicated my life to helping others overcome their struggles and unlock their true potential.

Gone are the days of feeling stuck in patterns that limit your growth and cause unhappiness and disease.

By using cutting-edge techniques and ancient systems, you can harness the energy of your stresses and traumas to increase your levels of vitality, inner peace, and happiness.

With my multidisciplinary approach and safe and neutral space, you will feel supported, celebrated, and championed with your goals.

"Learn how to achieve success so you have energy left after work to enjoy life, feel deep contentment, and move into the grace, ease, and flow of your True Nature."

Learn how to achieve success so you have energy left after work to enjoy life, feel deep contentment, and move into the grace, ease, and flow of your True Nature.

Book a call if:

✓ You want to say YES to the life you deserve. 

✓ You are sick of the delays and excuses. 

✓ You feel it’s time to ignite the fire within you and propel yourself toward success. 

✓ Let's work together to unlock your true potential and journey to optimal health and happiness!

Book a Free Breakthrough Call

Private Gong Bath

Book a private gong bath to experience the amazing potential for healing and rejuvenation that comes with this sublime instrument. 

The deep relaxation induced by the gong stimulates the glandular system, repairs the nervous system, and has potent therapeutic effects on the mental, energetic, and emotional aspects of our being. 

By embracing the transformative power of the gong energetic imbalances and blockages are cleared so you can live a healthier, more harmonious life.

Book a Gong Bath

5 Essential Shifts to Transform Stress and Struggle into Happiness, Vitality, and Radiant Health

Then you can enjoy your success without burnout and learn to flourish during challenging times